• Business Letters for Busy People, 4th Edition

    Author(s): John A. Carey, Jim Business Dugger
    Date:   2002-03-15
    Pages: 264 p
    Size:  1.05 Mb
    Format:  PDF
    Language: English




    This is a handy, quick-reference guide that gives you what you need to write virtually any kind of business letter, including sample letters you can adapt and use right now. A must for any business office, home office or home, this newly updated classic has been a best-seller since it was introduced in 1991. It's packed with the most concrete information, useful techniques, and practical tips available. This fourth edition also includes a CD-ROM with ready-to-use templates for all of the sample letters included within the text. This book can help you, or any member of your office staff cut the time spent letter writing in half, and get the "right" word or phrase or the correct format immediately. Includes letters for: sales and promotion, customer relations, collections, letters to the media, letters of condolence and goodwill and many, many more. These effective letters can be copied, modified, and customized to fit your requirements.

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